Monday, March 5, 2012

Do I Have To?

     "Would you please take out the trash?"  "You have some clothes to put up."  "Make sure all your dirty dishes and dirty clothes are out so they can be washed."  They sound like simple requests, but they always produce the same response - a sigh, rolling of the eyes, and "In a minute," or "Do I have to?"  Really?!  I wash your clothes, cook your meals, make sure you have everything you need!  I ask one simple thing of you and this is the response I get?!  Yes you have to do it!  And do it now!  If I wanted it done later, I would have asked you later!  If you have children, you know what I'm talking about.
     How is it that I am so bothered by this behavior when I'm on the receiving end of it, yet I do it repeatedly to my Heavenly Father?  I realized this during our "Jamboree Revival" last week.  The Lord would tell me to do something, usually small, like wave a hand, stand during a song, or just say "I love the Lord."  But did I do it right away?  Of course not.  I questioned the timing, or even the action itself, and tried to rationalize the best way to proceed with carrying out said task.  But during the time it took me to do all that, God would move on and someone else would do the very thing I was told to do.  Thus, I gave up several blessings to those who were more obedient.  "Do I have to?"  "Yes!  And do it now!"
     I know the rewards my children receive when they do the things asked of them.  I will sometimes pick up their clothes off the bathroom floor, or take their clean clothes to their room for them to put away.  I have experienced those rewards from my own obedience.  Knowing the blessings I will receive when I obey the Lord, why don't I do it every time?  He does everything for me and gives me everything I need, and He only asks these small things of me.  I guess I will understand the answer at the same time I understand the thoughts of my children.  Until that time comes, I will try to make a conscious effort to recognize those times and just do what I'm told when I'm told.  Things always turn out better that way.


  1. Love this, Stacie! I do the same thing. I think part of it for me is just habit. I do it without really thinking it through. I'm so glad you posted this on Facebook so I could see it. I've missed seeing your face around lunchtime up at the office... I have started a speaking/writing ministry called Speaking Hope. You can read my blog at

  2. Thank you Carol! I miss you too! I will definitely check out your blog/ministry. So exciting!
