Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Crunch Time

     A sign in a local print shop reads, "A lack of planning on your part does not create an emergency on my part." I think of this every time I’m rushing trying to finish something by a certain time, especially when the rush could have been avoided by better preparing or planning, either by me or someone else.
     When Jesus was attending the wedding of a friend and ended up performing his first "public" miracle (turning the water into wine), I believe he may have had some of these same feelings. Scripture doesn’t really tell us the reason they ran out of wine. Could have been lack of planning on the part of the "caterer." Or it could have been more people showed up than were expected. It could even have been that the guests just drank more than anticipated. Maybe it could have been prevented, maybe not. Either way, Jesus’ response was somewhat along the lines of that sign. "What does that have to do with me? It is not yet my time [to be performing miracles in public]."
     I’ve done this so many times in my life. I seek God’s will, think I have the answer, and charge full speed ahead. Then WHAM! Here I am facing a block wall, with people depending on me and watching to make sure I finish what I’ve started. That’s when I have to go (yet again) and ask the Lord to help me. He always comes through for me (just as the print shop does) and everything works out. But there’s always that reminder, if I had thought things through a little more, or planned things out better, or took more time to prepare, I wouldn’t have been in that situation, that crunch time; but rather, if I had listened a little closer, a little longer, God could have done things in His time, and I could have avoided that much-NOT-needed stress.
     I have actually even become anxious about starting this blog. I started it as an outlet for all the thoughts running through my head, thinking that maybe putting them down on "paper" would help me sort them out and understand them a little better. They were so meaningful to me I thought surely God must want somebody to "hear" them besides me, right? I’m not much for speaking in front of groups, but have been told I have a knack for writing, so why not a blog! Makes sense to me. I posted a couple of times, and the feedback was so encouraging, I thought "Wow! Maybe I’m on to something here." But I have been stuck since last Friday about what to write next. So many thoughts rambling through my mind, but nothing stays put long enough for me to finish it. I began thinking I may be in over my head here. But then again, maybe I just need to sit still long enough for God to get finished talking.

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