Friday, January 24, 2014

Where Do I Start?

Hello again!  I have been quiet in the writing world lately, but not because I don't have anything to say.  I just haven't had anything that I could say publicly.  It has taken me a few days to decide if I wanted to start this or not. Keeping track of the daily progress as I count down the busyness of what's ahead.

We've had a stressful - no, let's say eventful - last few months.  A lot of changes have come along (and are still coming).  To give you the short version - my oldest son decided it was time for him to move out and be on his own; my mom announced she was getting married and set her wedding date at March 1, 2014; and my daughter got engaged and set her wedding date at April 19, 2014.  All within a span of about two weeks.  Talk about some head-spinning!

It has taken me some time to come to grips with all that has taken place.  And the growth process has not been pretty.  For a non-emotional person, I was quite emotional.  I could go from sentimental to sad to mad just during my drive to work.  I was afraid to say too much for fear of what might come out.  Once things are said, you can't unsay them any more than the person you say them to can unhear them.  Thus my silence.

But here I am.  Am I ready to lay it out there?  Are y'all ready to hear it?  Don't worry, I'm not going on that rollercoaster ride again.  I just think it would be neat to chronicle the goings on over the next few months.  With a ladies retreat to help coordinate, two weddings to put together, at least one baby shower to plan, and making sure everybody knows about my son's high school graduation - there are a lot of details to keep straight.  

I hope to be posting my progress every day.  But I won't be sharing everything on facebook.  So, if you want to follow along, I'd be glad to have you.  Just sign up to receive each post by email.  Or, if you can remember, just check back here occasionally and catch up. 

Ready...Set...Here We Go!