Monday, November 26, 2012

Five-Minute Friday: Thank You

Well, here I am doing a "Five-Minute Friday" on Monday.  I hope you all had a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving weekend!  This week's topic is appropriately "Thank You."  You can check out all the Thanksgiving inspiration of these talented writers at Lisa Jo's website.  For now, here's what I have:

It has almost become a game. Tiny hands picking up pennies off the floor and putting them in my hand. I say "THANK YOU!" like I have just been given the grandest of treasures. This makes the baby smile, and the game continues, each time little hands putting all they can hold into my hands that can hold so much more. And when all the pennies are picked up, again I say, "Thank you!" for a job well done. As the day goes on, there are many more "Thank you’s" to be said for so many little things. Now we sit, all wrapped in a blanket, with a sippy cup of milk. The lights are off and we watch cartoons as this little one tries hard to stay awake. Then I hear soft even breathing as this little bundle relaxes and gives in to sleep. And I have to say another "Thank you!" This time to God above for giving me such a precious gift.


  1. I would have like to know more about this special little person-----it was a very nice moment in time

    1. Thank you, Anonymous. I am blessed to be able to to say that this could be about a number of children in my life - three of my own, a dozen or so nieces and nephews, and (most recently) my daughter's roommate's little boy I get to babysit from time to time. All precious to me, and I have had those special moments with all of them. Thank you for posting. Would like to hear more about you.
