Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Cleaning Has Begun!

     They say the brain is the control center of the body. That everything you do is processed through your brain. Where the mind leads, the man will follow. I, however, have a different theory. I believe my central processor is in my feet. When my feet are hot, my body is hot. When my feet are cold, I’m cold. When my feet hurt, my whole body hurts. To prove my theory, I take you back to last night.
     I have decided to try to thoroughly clean my house one corner at a time. To fully appreciate my need to do this, you would have to see just how dirty my house is (and we don’t want that), so you’ll just have to use your imagination. There is dust, cobwebs, and just stuff everywhere. Clutter. Much the way my mind is cluttered lately. Too much going on and no time to sort and clean and get rid of things and put things in their proper places. So this is just as much a spiritual cleaning as a physical one.
     So I chose my corner. The one with the ceiling-high, glass shelf, curio cabinet of sorts. I took everything off the shelves, took the shelves out and cleaned them one at a time. When the cabinet was empty, I climbed through to the back of it, where I proceeded to sweep down the cobwebs holding it to the wall. It’s at this point that I feel something sharp stabbing into my feet, and I remember the vase that had been broken several months ago.  I remember cleaning up the big pieces of glass at that time, but I didn’t really take time to vacuum all the tiny shards. After all, nobody walks behind the cabinet right?
     Not, that is, until I decide to clean! What should have been a good 30-minute task took me over an hour to finish, mostly because I had to stop and pick pieces of glass out of my feet and stop the bleeding. When all was done, I was pleased with myself that I had not let that stop me, and I had a wonderful sense of accomplishment, even if I was still in some pain.  I decided not to rethink this whole cleaning thing and to continue with my plan the next night.
     This morning, God let me know that this cleaning (the spiritual and the physical) could be a painful process and may not be as quick and simple as I had hoped.  The pain in my feet and legs was a reminder of all the tiny things I let hinder me in my walk with the Lord. Things from long ago that I thought I had cleaned up. But, you know, I’m tired of looking at the dirt. It’s time to de-clutter. So tonight, instead of moving on to my next corner, I think I’ll bring in the shop-vac and finishing cleaning up the glass behind the cabinet. And I may go ahead and vacuum around the baseboards of some of those other corners. You never know who might have to walk through there.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! My feet are hurting just reading this! Good reminder, though, to thoroughly clean up the old stuff, physically and spiritually.
