Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dream Interpreted

     Vivid dreams make me so tired! People dying, babies being born, kids not behaving, always running late, work, work, work. It’s like real life exaggerated, and I wake up more tired than when I went to bed. If there is a lesson to be learned from all this, I wish it would hurry up and make itself evident.
     In a recent dream, it seemed all my family had either died or was on their death bed. I sat in a chair with my youngest son as he told me he was scared. "What if I don’t know anybody." "What if I get scared." "What if I get bored." I was only able to tell him, in that motherly voice we all use from time to time, that I was very sure he wouldn’t get bored. Then I woke up.
     I didn’t get a chance to tell him about all the fun he would have in Heaven. I’m not sure God would allow skateboarding, but he may give the kids buffing pads to wear on their feet to glide around on the street of gold and keep it shiny. I didn’t get to tell him about all the cousins I have who never had a chance to be a kid on earth, who are living it up in Heaven and would show him all there is to do up there. I don’t think we’ll just be wandering around like happy zombies. I believe we will be praising the Lord and glorifying Him in all we do, whether it be work or play.
     I didn’t get to tell him about all the people he would see. Good people. No strangers. No people doing bad things. About Jesus, who loves all the little children. He would feel love like he’s never felt before. Plus, it’s always nice to meet somebody famous, and he would finally get to meet the man he had heard about and sang about his whole life. (I’m sure it would be better than meeting Cletus from the Dukes of Hazard in Gatlinburg.)
     I didn’t get to remind him about his grandpa’s and great-grandpa’s who would love to take him fishing and share their grandfatherly advice with him and show him how to build things. Or about his MawMaw who would sit with him and tell stories and make sure he had whatever he wanted to eat. And who knows better than God what he likes to eat?! It would be cooked to perfection with a never-ending supply! There would be an uncle who would encourage him to be just what he wanted to be and would let him climb the jasper walls naked if he wanted to. There would be several great-aunts that would let him help in their gardens. They would "just eat him up" and spoil him rotten. He would have my friend from church whose family was her life while she was here. I know she would be there for him any time he needed a Mama.
     I didn’t get to tell him there would be no falling or getting hurt, no sneezes or coughs or sniffles. I didn’t get to tell him about the perfect sunny weather, the sweet kittens and puppies, the trees just right for climbing. I didn’t get to tell him....
     Oh wait....I just realized my lesson from this dream. Excuse me while I go tell my living, healthy son about Heaven.


  1. Love this, Stacie. I laughed out loud at the Cleatus mention, but by the end of it, I was already planning to make sure to tell my grandchildren all about Heaven. I'll even tell the 6-month-old, but he will probably just grab my glasses and gnaw on them!

  2. Ha! Thanks Carol! Go ahead and tell him, I'm sure he will hear you and may even remember it one day!
