Saturday, March 20, 2021

Balancing Act

 I'll just say it.  I'm not a professional juggler.  Shocking I know.  I was totally surprised the first time I heard it, too. Then God explained it to me.

Church, work, home, marriage, kids, family, health, finances, friends, social media, etc., etc., etc. Those are all (or at least most) of the things I have constantly going on in my life and my head all the time.  You may have more!  School, young children, legal issues, major illness.  Trying to maintain equality is tough. It's near impossible to keep them all going perfectly at the same time. I only have two hands. I can only physically hold two at a time. Which two do I choose? It varies from day to day. 

That's juggling. There are always some things up in the air. And there will always be some things crashing to the floor into a thousand pieces. Oh sure, I can hook each one on a finger, as most women can. But they will just dangle there. I don't have a firm grasp on any of them.

But - and here's where my light bulb went off - instead of having everything in a different hand, try stacking them. Put the biggest, heaviest, toughest, most important piece on the bottom - Faith. Hold on to it with both hands. Then, if you stack the right pieces (the ones God gives you) in the right order (the way God tells you to), nothing will be dangling or flying through the air or falling and breaking. That's balance.

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