A friend gave me an Amaryllis several months ago. To be honest, I’m not really into flowers and have a hard time keeping them alive. I don’t have enough know-how to pick out the flowers/seeds, a pot, the right kind of soil, fertilizer, etc. It’s just not my thing. Thus, it took me a while to actually look at it closely and open the box. This was a “kit.” It came with everything I would need - a pot (with a saucer), soil, a bulb, and some very detailed instructions.
God is that way. We don’t have to have all the knowledge. He has everything we need, including detailed instructions. We just have to make the effort to open the box.
In reading the instructions, several things stood out to me -
“...place the bulb with roots down...” (Sounds like a no-brainer, but it obviously needs to be said)“...add...growing medium around the bulb to secure. Ensure 1/3 of the bulb remains...above the surface...” (Don’t smother it)“Keep moist...not wet. Increase watering frequency after flower stalks and leaves appear...do not over water...” (Water is good and necessary for growth; but let’s not increase the load before it’s time)“If the bulb has started growing, plant as soon as possible and the bulb will straighten itself out.” (It’s never too late)“All plants grow towards light. Turning the pot regularly will ensure straight stems.” (Jesus is the light; we need to expose all our sides to Him)
When my plant started to grow (I guess “stalk” may be the proper term), it just grew taller and taller. And taller. I asked my friend if this was normal; should it have bloomed yet? Hers had not grown tall and was starting to bloom. It was a full week later before I had a flower to show (and it was a different color than hers.) By that time, it was so tall that the bloom was hidden behind the curtain. I could only see it from certain angles, while washing dishes or outside. I couldn’t see it just walking into the kitchen; I had to pull the curtain back.
We don’t all grow at the same rate, or to the same height. We all bloom at different times. And our blooms are not all the same color. Not all blooms are visible to everybody; some can only be seen by pulling back the curtain. Those blooms are beauty for only God Himself to see.
My plant ended up with three blooms on it. They stayed bright and beautiful for about three weeks. Once they had withered, per the instructions, I cut the stalk and left the leaves. I continue to water it. There are three leaves still in the pot, sitting on my kitchen window sill, between my dish detergent and scrub brush, in the sunshine, overlooking my dirty dishes. Later this year, we will start the process all over again.
I have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost living in me, cleaning away and lightening all the weariness of everyday life. My blooms may be for God's eyes only. Even if the world can’t see it, I’ll be right where He can see me.