I cleaned house today. For the first time in what felt like a really, really long time. It felt good. And, like so many times before, God used that time to talk to me.
For the past few (several?) months I have been pretty busy. Every week when Saturday morning cleaning time rolled around, I had other things to do. The messages from God on those days? “You’re too busy.” “You’re still busy?” “Guess you’re too busy for me today.”
And deep down I knew it. I knew it was not taking time to do some things that needed to be done. But I had legitimate, logical “excuses.” “It’ll be ok just this once.” “I’ll make up for it next week.” “Maybe somebody else will do it.” “Nobody else is doing it, why should I bother?”
And I kept telling myself “when I get passed such & such date,” “when I get this done,” or “I’ve got plenty of time.” Sound familiar?
But today I decided had to be the day to get back to “normal.” The problem? I couldn’t find my music. I have a certain cd that I play while I’m cleaning. It’s a good mix of oldies, dance, spiritual, and some stuff I’m not sure what to call it. This morning I could find every other cd but that one.
So, I found one I figured I could make do with. The first few songs were pretty good. Then there were some slow songs. Then the cd started skipping, then the skipping got worse, and a little over halfway through it just stopped all together.
By this time my brain was clearing (as were the cobwebs and dust around my house), so I went back to the last time I had the cd. It wasn’t in the dvd player (which is where I listen to it while I’m cleaning). I had left it in the actual cd player. So I go to the last place I thought I had the cd player - not there. Now I’m just mad at myself for not putting my own things back where they belong. Stop and breathe. “Now where in the world is my cd player?” And a voice whispers, “It’s right where you left it.”
Wow! That’s about the only way to describe it. Low and behold, in the back bedroom I found the cd player; and inside was my cd. All my stuff was right where I had left it. I was the one who didn’t go back to it; the one who didn’t take the time to make sure all was in order.
I put my cd in my dvd player, cranked up the volume, and proceeded to clean my toilets and sweep my floors. And all is back as it should be.