What I see is that Jesus did what was required of Him. He did what He could do, and then some, but then He needed rest. While the multitudes followed and beckoned Him, He would go out on the water or into the mountains. These journeys took him from the place He was to the place He needed to be to prepare Him for what was to come next. Sometimes He took the people closest to Him; sometimes He went alone. Sometimes He prayed; sometimes He shared what God had revealed from His previous tasks or what missions lay ahead. Though He was constantly in touch with His Father, it was at those times that Jesus spoke to God one on one. And after He had rested, He went back to the multitudes.
I love the fact that I am able to do what I can for those who need it. Most days I enjoy the work that I do, at home, at church, at my job. I appreciate the abilities God has given me and the opportunities he provides. But sometimes, it gets to be a little much. Sometimes I just need to get away. Whether it be a girls’ trip to the beach for a few days, a week-long family vacation with the kids, a trip to my Mom’s, or even just a ride alone to do my grocery shopping - mostly it’s just a break from the routine that refreshes my mind. It always amazes me how a simple ride will renew my spirit and remind me of the beauty of God’s creation. It gives me time to think and pray and listen. It calms me.
So the next time you hear I’m planning a trip, don’t think I’m being lavish or thumbing my nose at my responsibilities. I’m just doing what Jesus would do.
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28